How clearly and correctly the student pronounces the words.
- 5 ways to say “hello”
- Speel 5 different words
- 3 things to DIY
- Countries
- 8 objects and its articles
- 3 street foods’ ingredients
- 5 occupations
- Introducing
- 3 unusual jobs
Remember Rubrics
Words are pronounced clearly and correctly.
Most words are pronounced clearly with a few minor errors.
Words are understandable with some pronunciation errors.
Pronunciation is poor, making understanding difficult.
Correct recollection of the required words.
All items from each category are remembered accurately.
Most items from each category are remembered with minor mistakes.
Some items from each category are remembered with some errors.
Few items from each category are remembered or many errors are present.
The ability to recall without long pauses or hesitation.
Recalls with no hesitation.
Recalls with minimal hesitation.
Recalls with moderate hesitation.
Recalls with significant hesitation or needs prompting.
- Identify and spell the pictures
Identify Rubrics
Correctly naming the item in the picture.
Identifies all 12 pictures correctly.
Identifies at least 10 pictures correctly.
Identifies at least 8 pictures correctly.
Identifies 7 or fewer pictures correctly.
Correct spelling of the word as it relates to the picture.
Spells all words correctly.
Spells most words correctly with 1-2 minor errors.
Spells words with some errors, but the majority are correct.
Multiple spelling errors that hinder understanding.
The student’s speech is clear and understandable.
Speaks clearly and is easily understood.
Speech is mostly clear with occasional unclear pronunciation.
Speech is understandable but with several unclear pronunciations.
Speech is often unclear and difficult to understand.
- Create sentences about …
- Personal Information
- Countries
- Objects
- Street food
- Occupations
- Introducing
Create Rubrics
Correct use of grammatical structures.
Uses correct grammar throughout.
Minor grammatical mistakes that do not impede understanding.
Some grammatical mistakes that may slightly impede understanding.
Frequent grammatical mistakes that impede understanding.
Sentences are relevant to the given topics.
All sentences are on-topic and demonstrate a clear understanding of the subject.
Most sentences are on-topic with a good understanding shown.
Some sentences may veer off-topic, but a general understanding is evident.
Sentences frequently off-topic or show misunderstanding of the subject.
Use of a variety of structures and vocabulary.
Sentences are complex and demonstrate advanced language use.
Sentences show a good range of structures and vocabulary.
Sentences are simple but show some variety.
Sentences are overly simplistic and repetitive, with limited vocabulary.