- A discussion about vacation destinations around the world.
- A light-hearted conversation about different types of natural disasters.
- A debate about the best movies featuring extreme weather events.
- Can you think of a time when nature surprised people? How did they react?
- What words come to mind when you think about nature?
- Why do you think natural disasters happen?
- What would you do if you were caught in a natural disaster?
Top Down
- What is the dialogue about? Read it and find out.
- A discussion about vacation destinations around the world.
- A light-hearted conversation about different types of natural disasters.
- A debate about the best movies featuring extreme weather events.
Sara: Did you hear about the earthquake in Japan? It sounds intense, but thankfully, everyone is okay!
Tom: Yeah, I heard! They’re always so prepared for these things. I can’t imagine living in a place where earthquakes happen so often.
Sara: I know, right? I remember seeing a tornado in a movie once, and I thought, “No way I could handle that!”
Tom: Haha, same! And then there’s wildfires in California. It’s like nature’s way of saying, “Time for a break!”
Sara: Seriously! And don’t forget about hurricanes. I saw some people making the best of it, surfing on the flooded streets!
Tom: Oh, I’ve seen those videos! They make the best out of a bad situation. But I’d still rather avoid a hurricane, thank you very much.
Sara: Agreed! At least we don’t have to worry about avalanches here. I can’t even handle the cold, let alone tons of snow coming down a mountain!
Tom: Yeah, let’s stick to our mild weather. A little rain here and there is all I need!

Bottom Up
- True or False
- Sara and Tom are discussing how to prepare for natural disasters.
- Sara mentions seeing a tornado in real life.
- Tom prefers mild weather over extreme weather conditions.
- Sara and Tom talk about people surfing during a hurricane.
- Tom says he can easily handle cold weather and snow.
- The conversation focuses on different natural disasters, including earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes, and avalanches.
- Sara and Tom are discussing how to prepare for natural disasters. False
- Sara mentions seeing a tornado in real life. False
- Tom prefers mild weather over extreme weather conditions. True
- Sara and Tom talk about people surfing during a hurricane. True
- Tom says he can easily handle cold weather and snow. False
- The conversation focuses on different natural disasters, including earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes, and avalanches. True
- After reading the dialogue, which natural disaster do you think Sara and Tom would find the most challenging to experience, and why?
- What about you?
Target Language
Natural Disasters
Controlled Practice
- Choose the correct word from the Target Language to complete the following sentences:
- The strong winds and heavy rain caused by the _______ led to widespread damage along the coast.
- During the summer, the region experienced a prolonged _______ , causing temperatures to soar above 40°C for weeks.
- The sudden shaking of the ground during the _______ caused buildings to collapse and roads to crack.
- A massive _______ occurred after the river overflowed its banks, submerging homes and streets.
- The _______ destroyed thousands of acres of forest, with flames spreading rapidly due to dry conditions.
- The violent, spinning column of air known as a _______ left a trail of destruction in its path.
- The mountain village was buried under snow and ice after an _______ swept down the slopes.
- The island experienced significant _______ , with lava flowing from the crater and ash covering the sky.
- The strong winds and heavy rain caused by the hurricane led to widespread damage along the coast.
- During the summer, the region experienced a prolonged heat wave, causing temperatures to soar above 40°C for weeks.
- The sudden shaking of the ground during the earthquake caused buildings to collapse and roads to crack.
- A massive flood occurred after the river overflowed its banks, submerging homes and streets.
- The wildfire destroyed thousands of acres of forest, with flames spreading rapidly due to dry conditions.
- The violent, spinning column of air known as a tornado left a trail of destruction in its path.
- The mountain village was buried under snow and ice after an avalanche swept down the slopes.
- The island experienced significant volcanic activity, with lava flowing from the crater and ash covering the sky.
Freer Practice
- Use the target language and complete the sentences according to your own ideas.
- I’ve never been in a …, but I imagine it would feel…
- If a … happened in my city, I think people would…
- Watching videos of a … on TV made me realize…
- If I ever experienced a …, I would probably…
- Hearing about a … in another country made me feel…
- Imagine you are a news reporter, and you have just received a report about one natural disaster happening somewhere in the world. Choose one disaster from the target language and create a brief news report.
Example: This is Gabriel, reporting live from the scene of a devastating earthquake that struck the city earlier today. Buildings have collapsed, and…
Complete each sentence with the appropriate vocabulary word from the target language.
- The extreme heat during the __________ made it hard to stay outside.
- A massive __________ destroyed homes in the mountains as snow rushed downhill.
- After days of heavy rain, the city was submerged by a __________.
- The __________ tore through the forest, burning everything in its path.
- The eye of the __________ passed directly over the coast, leaving a trail of destruction.
- The extreme heat during the heat wave made it hard to stay outside.
- A massive avalanche destroyed homes in the mountains as snow rushed downhill.
- After days of heavy rain, the city was submerged by a flood.
- The wildfire tore through the forest, burning everything in its path.
- The eye of the hurricane passed directly over the coast, leaving a trail of destruction.
Match each natural disaster to the region where it is most likely to occur.
- Hurricane
- Flood
- Wildfire
- Heat wave
- Earthquake
- Avalanche
( ) Coastal areas.
( ) Mountainous regions.
(5) Areas along tectonic fault lines.
( ) Dry, forested areas.
( ) Low-lying areas near rivers.
( ) Areas with extremely hot, dry weather.
- Hurricane
- Flood
- Wildfire
- Heat wave
- Earthquake
- Avalanche
(1) Coastal areas.
(6) Mountainous regions.
(5) Areas along tectonic fault lines.
(3) Dry, forested areas.
(2) Low-lying areas near rivers.
(4) Areas with extremely hot, dry weather.
Match each word to its correct meaning.
- Avalanche
- Hurricane
- Flood
- Earthquake
- Wildfire
- Volcanic activity
( ) A large amount of water covering normally dry land.
( ) Movement of the Earth’s surface caused by seismic activity.
(1) A natural event where snow and ice rapidly fall down a slope.
( ) A large storm with strong winds and heavy rain.
( ) A fire that spreads quickly over forested areas.
( ) The eruption of lava and gases from a volcano.
- Avalanche
- Hurricane
- Flood
- Earthquake
- Wildfire
- Volcanic activity
(3) A large amount of water covering normally dry land.
(4) Movement of the Earth’s surface caused by seismic activity.
(1) A natural event where snow and ice rapidly fall down a slope.
(2) A large storm with strong winds and heavy rain.
(5) A fire that spreads quickly over forested areas.
(6) The eruption of lava and gases from a volcano.
Put the words in the correct order
Example: caused / wave / power / The / heat / severe / outages. > The severe heat wave caused power outages
- country / central / Tornadoes / hit / in / often / the.
- due / cities / rising / sea levels / to / Coastal / are /
- homes / The / were / destroyed / wildfire / by.
- experienced / a / Yesterday / region / earthquake / major / the.
- produces / dangerous / activity / clouds / ash / Volcanic.
- Tornadoes often hit in the central country.
- Coastal cities are rising due to sea levels.
- The homes were destroyed by wildfire.
- Yesterday the region experienced a major earthquake.
- Volcanic activity produces dangerous ash clouds.
Find and correct the mistakes.
Example: A avalanche was happen yesterday in the mountains. > An avalanche happened yesterday in the mountains.
- The flood destroyed much homes last year.
- A earthquake is occurred in the city, causing widespread damage.
- There is a lot of wildfires last summer.
- The hurricane was hitting the coast tomorrow.
- Volcanic activity have caused problems in the area.
- The flood destroyed many homes last year.
- An earthquake occurred in the city, causing widespread damage.
- There were a lot of wildfires last summer.
- The hurricane will hit the coast tomorrow.
- Volcanic activity has caused problems in the area.
Write a short text about the natural disaster you find to be the most dangerous.
Example: In my opinion, hurricanes are…