
  • How often do you exercise?
    • What physical activities do you do and for how long?
    • What types of exercise do you enjoy the most and why?
    • What motivates you to keep up with your exercise routine?
  • What are the main challenges you face in keeping a consistent exercise schedule?
    • How do you stay motivated to exercise on days when you’re not feeling up to it?
  • How do you manage to fit exercise into your daily life alongside work, school, or family commitments?
  • What are your specific fitness goals and how are you planning to achieve them?
  • What is your opinion about each of the following?

kids' exercise

  • Which of the following activities do you remember doing when you were a kid?
    • What was your favorite?
    • Can you add more activities to the list?
  • How often did you engage in active play or sports during your childhood?
  • Did your family have any special routines or traditions involving physical activity?
  • Were you involved in any organized sports or physical education classes as a kid?
  • How do you think your childhood physical activities influenced your current fitness habits?
  • How did your school encourage physical activity, if at all?
  • Looking back, what advice would you give to kids today about staying active and enjoying physical activities?
  • What movement of the video can you do?