The Age Advantage
- Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday? How did you make it up to them?
- How do you typically acknowledge or celebrate the birthdays of your family and friends?
- What is the most unusual or creative way you’ve seen someone celebrate their birthday?
- How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
- Do you have any birthday traditions or rituals?
- Are there any birthday traditions from your childhood that you still follow? How have your birthday celebrations changed?
- Do you like surprises on your birthday or prefer to plan your own celebration? Why?
- Are you the kind of person who likes to throw big parties or have intimate gatherings for your birthday? Why?
- What specific birthday stands out as the best one you’ve ever had? What made it so special?
- Have you ever had a surprise birthday party thrown for you? How did it make you feel?
- What is the most unusual or unique birthday gift you’ve ever received?
- What is your favorite type of birthday cake or dessert?
- How do you feel about birthday milestones (e.g., turning 30, 40, 50)?
- Do they hold any significance for you?
- If you could have a celebrity or historical figure attend your birthday party, who would it be and why?
- If you could have a dream birthday celebration, what would it look like?
- What specific goals or aspirations do you hope to achieve before your next birthday?
- When you think about birthday parties, what words come to mind?
getting older
- How do you feel about getting older? Does it bother you or do you embrace each new year?
- Are there any fears or concerns you have about growing older?
- What are your thoughts on the wisdom that comes with getting older?
- What are some positive aspects of getting older that you’ve experienced or observed?
- What changes in your priorities or values have you noticed as you’ve gotten older?
- Have you noticed any changes in your relationships or social circles as you’ve aged?
- How has your attitude towards self-care and health changed as you’ve aged?
- Are there any activities or hobbies that you’ve taken up or let go of as you’ve aged?
- Are there any societal or cultural expectations that you find challenging or restrictive as you get older?
- What are some of the things you are grateful for as you continue to age?
- Rate the following from 1 (most grateful) to 5 (not grateful at all) and justify your answers.
- How do you define regret?
- Watch the video and answer the questions.
- What regrets mentioned in the video you can relate to? Talk about each of them.
- Are there any regrets or things you wish you had done differently as you look back on your life?
- Have you ever regretted not taking a chance or opportunity? If so, what was it, and how do you cope with that regret?
- Do you believe that regrets are solely negative experiences, or can they sometimes lead to personal growth and self-improvement?
- Do you believe it’s important to share your regrets with others, or do you prefer to keep them to yourself? Why?
- Do you believe that regret is an inevitable part of life, or can it be avoided with certain mindsets or approaches? Talk about it.