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- What words come to mind when you think about the word water?
- Say the meaning of the following words.
- Talk about your relation to water.
- What is your earliest memory involving water (like a beach, river, or rain) and how does it make you feel?
- How does being near water (like the ocean or a lake) affect your mood and well-being?
- What daily activities involve water (like washing the dishes)?
- What do you do to conserve water?
- Do you do any of the following? Why or why not?
- What words come to mind when you think about the title of this lesson: “Liquid Earth”?
- Give an example of each of the following:
- Watch the video and learn a bit more about groundwater and then answer the questions.
- What information from the video do you remember?
- What information was new to you and what wasn’t?
- What vocabulary from the video do you remember and what is the meaning of each word?