Demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic.
- Use Canva or Jamboard to make an illustration. Consider the following topics:
- International words in my country
- Vowels and Consonants
- Hot and cold colors
- Social media I use
- What animals eat
- Sports in different countries
Illustration Rubrics
Illustration demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
Illustration demonstrates a good understanding of the topic.
llustration demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic.
Illustration demonstrates a lack of understanding of the topic.
Visual Appeal
Aesthetically pleasing layout, color scheme, and graphic consistency.
Outstanding visual appeal with professional and cohesive design elements.
Good visual appeal with consistent and appropriate design elements.
Satisfactory visual appeal with some inconsistency in design elements.
Poor visual appeal with inconsistent and unprofessional design elements.
Correctness of information presented, including spelling and grammar.
All information is accurate with no errors.
Information is mostly accurate with minor errors.
Some inaccuracies are present but do not majorly impact overall understanding.
Numerous inaccuracies that impact the credibility and understanding.