
  • What comes to mind when you hear the expression “Social inclusion“?
  • Why is each of the following important?
  • According to your opinion, rate them from Most important to Least important.



  • Do you agree with the following quote? Can a country grow without a strong sense of social inclusion? Why or why not?

Inclusion is not a matter of political correctness. It is the key to growth.”

— Jesse Jackson

Top Down

  • What would be a good title for the text? Read it and find out.
  1. Our government
  2. Society
  1. Social inclusion versus exclusion
  2. Community
  1. Our government
  2. Society
  1. Social inclusion versus exclusion
  2. Community


To fully explore the term ‘social inclusion,’ it is first important to understand ‘social exclusion. Social exclusion refers to certain situations where individuals aren’t recognized, heard, or taken into account within their societies and communities.

Social exclusion can occur for a number of reasons. Some of which include factors that affect a person’s (or group of people’s) social or economic circumstances. These factors often prevent communities or individuals from participating fully in society. Examples of these factors are unemployment, age, ill health, poor housing, and financial hardship.

Social inclusion, then, is the opposite of this. It is a positive action taken to change these limiting factors and enable individuals and communities to participate fully in society.

How To Promote Social Inclusion

There are 2 key elements required to promote social inclusion effectively. These are:

  • Helping socially excluded individuals and communities overcome the inequalities they face.
  • Promoting equality of opportunities and eliminating discrimination.

At its core, promoting social inclusion means building inclusive societies that offer equal opportunities to individuals regardless of their circumstances.

These elements need to be included at both national, regional, and local levels to be effective. Ways to do this can include:

  • Empowering communities and individuals by giving them a voice, and allowing them to express their opinions without fear of retribution;
  • Ensuring access to employment and the tools to participate in social life are readily available and accessible;
  • Ensuring easy access to basic services such as housing, employment, education, and health care;
  • Encouraging community participation in social, cultural, or political events.

What are the effects of social exclusion?

Social exclusion can significantly affect a person’s mental health and well-being, as well as their physical health. This can cause low self-esteem, isolation, mental health difficulties such as depression and anxiety, and increased levels of stress.

With these issues in mind, it is important for communities and societies to take action in order to promote social inclusion and allow for everyone to become active participants within society.

Modified from source

Bottom Up

  • True or False?

Example: The text doesn’t mention our society. False

  1. The important thing is to practice, not understand, social inclusion.
  2. Social exclusion refers to when individuals are recognized but not heard.
  3. The text mentions three key elements to promote social inclusion effectively.
  4. An element needs to be included at either national, regional, or local levels to be effective.
  5. Bein excluded from society may affect a person’s well-being.
  1. The important thing is to practice, not understand, social inclusion. False
  2. Social exclusion refers to when individuals are recognized but not heard. False
  3. The text mentions three key elements to promote social inclusion effectively. False
  4. An element needs to be included at either national, regional, or local levels to be effective. False
  5. Bein excluded from society may affect a person’s well-being. True


  • Do you agree with the text? Why or why not?
  • What are things every citizen can do to help end social exclusion?
  • What attitude do you expect of someone who doesn’t benefit from social equality?

Target Language

Fillers Words

In informal speech, fillers are short, usually meaningless, words used to fill the little pauses while we decide what the next we’re going to say is.

  • Oh my God, he’s wearing a striped shirt with spotted pants. That’s, like, so tacky.
  • I mean, she could have showed up to my party, right?
  • John is very stressed out lately. You see, he complains a lot every time his phone rings.
  • I’m going to, uhm, Cancun this January.

Cities’ Attributes

Public Security:

  • Employment
  • Education
  • Distribution of resources
  • Social inclusion

Mobility and Transport:

  • Carshare schemes
  • Cycle lanes/bike lanes
  • Bicycle sharing schemes
  • Electric vehicles


  • Urban farms
  • Community gardens
  • Peaceful places
  • Access to fresh food

Controlled Practice

  • Match the words with their meanings. There is one example.
  1. Lane

  2. Scheme

  3. Farm

  4. Resources

  5. Garden

  6. Education

(6) The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

(   ) A small piece of ground used to grow vegetables, fruit, herbs, or flowers.

(   ) A large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining a particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.

(   ) A division of a road marked off with painted lines and intended to separate lines.

(   ) An area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals, typically under the control of one owner or manager.

(   ) A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.

  1. Lane

  2. Scheme

  3. Farm

  4. Resources

  5. Garden

  6. Education

(6) The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

(5) A small piece of ground used to grow vegetables, fruit, herbs, or flowers.

(2) A large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining a particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.

(1) A division of a road marked off with painted lines and intended to separate lines.

(3) An area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals, typically under the control of one owner or manager.

(4) A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.

Freer Practice

  • Complete the sentences according to your ideas.
    • I think carshare schemes are… because…
    • Distribution of resources is…
    • Access to fresh food should be… because…
    • I don’t ride bicycles because bike lanes are…
    • In my city, electric vehicles…
    • One way of improving education is…


  • Think about your city’s attributes from the target language and talk about them using as many fillers as you can.

Example: In Brasilia, traffic is, like, uhm…


Name the pictures according to the cities’ attributes mentioned in the target language.

Fill in the blanks with the words below.


Example: I have, ____, a giant hamster beside my bed. < I have, like, a giant hamster beside my bed. 

  1. You ____, I thought the project was due tomorrow, not today. 
  2. I was ____, why didn’t you want to go?  
  3. ____… I like the pink bag but I think I’ll buy the black one instead. 
  4. I ____, don’t you want to see her show? 
  1. You see, I thought the project was due tomorrow, not today. 
  2. I was like, why didn’t you want to go?  
  3. Uhm… I like the pink bag but I think I’ll buy the black one instead. 
  4. I mean, don’t you want to see her show? 

Using the expressions from the previous exercise, complete the sentences.

Example: A few of them seem to think the ____ is their personal overtaking lane. > A few of them seem to think the bike lane is their personal overtaking lane.

  1. One of the most ____ on earth is actually 15 meters underwater on the Great Barrier Reef.
  2. There is no need to buy frozen ingredients when ____ is that easy.
  3. That city has numerous ____ and special facilities for cyclists including parking in the town.
  4. Some would say this does not address the very uneven ____.
  5. These include ____ using photovoltaics for significant range enhancement and mechanically harvesting vehicles such as sailing boats, balloons and gliders.
  6. It has created ____ to promote ecological diversity.
  1. One of the most peaceful places on earth is actually 15 meters underwater on the Great Barrier Reef.
  2. There is no need to buy frozen ingredients when access to fresh food is that easy.
  3. That city has numerous cycle lanes and special facilities for cyclists including parking in the town.
  4. Some would say this does not address the very uneven distribution of resources.
  5. These include electric vehicles using photovoltaics for significant range enhancement and mechanically harvesting vehicles such as sailing boats, balloons and gliders.
  6. It has created urban farms to promote ecological diversity.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Example: or / world / first / female / the / domestics. / employment / Most / as / find / migrants / maids / to > Most female migrants to the first world find employment as maids or domestics.

  1. education / Several / games / children. / the / of / amusement / and / provided / for / were / the
  2. program / measures / opportunities. / on / The / equal / inclusion / social / focused / and / supports
  3. for / club / He / there. / while / attachment / said / find / employment / would / on / the / the / players
  4. arithmetic / hired / parents / home / whose / for / might / reading, / or / in / bought / children / a / at / place / education / teacher. / writing, / privileged / and / take / Primary
  5. with / must / are / Forests / renewable / resources, / care. / natural / but / be / treated / they
  1. Several games were provided for the education and amusement of the children.
  2. The program supports measures focused on social inclusion and equal opportunities.  
  3. He said the club would find employment for the players while on attachment there. 
  4. Primary education in reading, writing, and arithmetic might take place at home for privileged children whose parents hired or bought a teacher.
  5. Forests are renewable natural resources, but they must be treated with care. 

Find and correct the mistakes.

Example: When is this concil going to stop wasting ratepayers ‘ money on unnecessary road schemes? > When is this council going to stop wasting ratepayers ‘ money on unnecessary road schemes?

  1. The new curiculum is an attempt to homogenize educate throughout the county.
  2. In adition, the playgroup promotes social incclusion by enabling parents to return to work or education.
  3. There are permaculture institutes, co-housing communities, recycled tire and straw bale buildings, community gardems, and poetry readings.
  4. Growth in activity and employnment was robust, while confidence levels were high across the board, he said.
  5. After he proposed numerous remodeling schems, the clients opted to abandon the original plan in favor of an entirely new structure.
  1. The new curriculum is an attempt to homogenize education throughout the county.
  2. In addition, the playgroup promotes social inclusion by enabling parents to return to work or education.
  3. There are permaculture institutes, co-housing communities, recycled tire and straw bale buildings, community gardens, and poetry readings.
  4. Growth in activity and employment was robust, while confidence levels were high across the board, he said.
  5. After he proposed numerous remodeling schemes, the clients opted to abandon the original plan in favor of an entirely new structure.


Write about the pros and cons of living in your city. Remember to use as much of the Target Language as possible.

Example: Here in Brasilia one good thing is that we can find bike lanes and…