- We don’t.
- We do, up to a point.
- We do.
- “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” What does this quote mean?
- Do you agree with it?
- What do you understand by determinism?
- What about free will?
- Do you think someone can believe in determinism and in the free will without being illogical? Why or why not?

Presentation 1
- In what situations free will should be restricted? Why?
Top Down
- According to the video, do humans have free will? Watch it and find out.
- We don’t.
- We do, up to a point.
- We do.
Bottom Up
- True or False
Example: Two scientist debate in the video. > False
- The video is about a question Thomas from Las Vegas asked.
- One thing Thomas wants to know is if there’s an independent ego controlling our actions and thoughts.
- Some scientists already know about the nature of consciousness.
- Bill, the scientist, disagrees that our brain is all about chemical reactions.
- Bill believes that robots as complicated as human brains are going to be built soon.
- The video is about a question Thomas from Las Vegas asked. False
- One thing Thomas wants to know is if there’s an independent ego controlling our actions and thoughts. True
- Some scientists already know about the nature of consciousness. False
- Bill, the scientist, disagrees that our brain is all about chemical reactions. False
- Bill believes that robots as complicated as human brains are going to be built soon. False
- “I cannot help but notice how much people from the same family tend to do the same things.“
- Have you noticed the same thing? How much do you agree with this quote? Why?
- How does it apply to your family?
Presentation 2
- Do you believe in free will? Why or why not?
Top Down
- What is the problem mentioned in the video? Watch it and find out.
- Free will
- Causal determinism
- Compatibilism
- Incompatibilism
- Free will
- Causal determinism
- Compatibilism
- Incompatibilism
Bottom Up
- Fill in the gaps as you watch the video again.
Example: Do we have free will? It _______ like it. > Do we have free will? It seems like it.
- You choose what to eat for breakfast in the morning. You choose _______ to go to work _______ day.
- To better understand this concept of _______ determinism, let’s think about a game of _______. When the cue ball is struck, it _______. It moves.
- _______ and atoms don’t make choices. They _______ move according to the laws of nature.
- There are two _______ of thought on this. According to incompatibilism, if causal determinism is true, _______ we do not have free will.
- For example, quantum _______ suggests that the laws of nature are not _______ deterministic.
- You choose what to eat for breakfast in the morning. You choose whether to go to work each day.
- To better understand this concept of causal determinism, let’s think about a game of pool. When the cue ball is struck, it reacts. It moves.
- Molecules and atoms don’t make choices. They simply move according to the laws of nature.
- There are two schools of thought on this. According to incompatibilism, if causal determinism is true, then we do not have free will.
- For example, quantum physics suggests that the laws of nature are not entirely deterministic.
- After watching both videos, how has your opinion about the subject changed?